Technical Specifications:
Polycarbonate Properties:
Xpanda’s innovative Invisi-Guard offers a game-changing solution. Invisi-Guard features virtually unbreakable 10mm thick x 80mm clear polycarbonate slats within a sleek steel frame. This creates a powerful, yet much less visible barrier that deters intruders while maintaining a clear, unobstructed view for both customers and staff.
if you are considering installing security for your counter, it’s crucial to prioritize reinforcing your windows and doors as well. While this system can provide a level of protection while you are open, a determined burglar who entered the property at night could still get over these. Therefore, ensuring that your frontage is adequately secured is vital.
Xpanda offers a wide range of suitable products to protect your doorways and windows in addition to our Invisi-Guard Polycarbonate Anti-Jump screen, Contact us today for a free consultation!
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