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Bolt Down Bollards

  • Effective deterrent
  • Alternate option to fixed bollards
  • Less installation impact on environment
  • Quick installation
  • Removable and reusable
Xpanda Sentry Bolt down Bollard
Xpanda Sentry Bolt down Bollard

Xpanda Security manufactures bolt down bollards, in any size or length, that you may require. Our bolt down bollards prevent hoists and mobile machinery from damaging the essential plant equipment. Its not just the cost of the damage that you can avoid but the expensive down-time caused by the outage if it were say an electrical cabinet, and of course the safety factor. These bollards have a quick installation time and a low impact on the environment.

Xpanda Security manufactures bolt down bollards, in any size or length, that you may require.
Bolt down bollards are used more as a visual deterrent barrier, usually to prevent vehicles from entering walkway areas where the public have unrestricted access.
The bolt down bollard is also an alternate solution when fixed or removable bollards cannot be installed. The effectiveness of the bolt down bollard must not be underestimated. They can be filled with concrete for added protection against a ram raid, but obviously will not offer the same degree of protection as fixed bollards.
The fixing bolts are normally high tensile strength wedge anchor bolts, and can be welded in place once tightened, to prevent unauthorised removal. The size and type of bolt determines the amount of security it can provide. Bolt down bollards can be supplied with square, round or oblong mounting plates or collars. Galvanising and powder coating options are available and to a colour of your choice.

Do I need Bollards or a Ram beam?, and which type?

Bolt Down BollardFixed BollardRemovable BollardFixed Ram beamSliding Ram beamSwinging Ram beamLift-Out Ram beam
Stop Vehicle       
Can be opened    
Stored away when open   
Hinged away when open 
Shop Doorways    
Roller Doors    
Galvanised OptionOption    
Stainless SteelOptionOption
Powder coatedOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Concrete Filled 
Concrete Surface       
Asphalt SurfaceNO      
Attached to Building    
Ideal LocationsWindows where there is no option for embedded bollardsWindows and Wooden walls without concrete up to 600mmAny place where you need to stop vehicles, but also need accessWindows and Wooden walls unless concrete up to 600mmShop Doorways
Roller Doors
Shop Doorways or Roller doors where there is somewhere to swing to.Shop Doorways if not too wide (Weight).
Roller doors if more than two people to lift, or if forklift available.
A basic guide to product comparisons can be found above. Ultimately our expert will present any options available when we visit to quote.

When should we choose Bolt-Down Bollards?
Bolt down bollards are perfect for protecting machinery or assets like electrical cabinets etc.
Bolt Down bollards for security should only be used in places where you are unable to dig for various reasons.
Often Bolt-down bollards are used inside a shop becuase the business were unable to get permission to put fixed ones outside.
Bolt-down Bollards can be powder coated, prior to installation, to suit specific requirements of branding or just to suit the building better.

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