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Crime Update New Zealand January 2021

Distraught shop owner talks about the damage done by a ram raid and claiming form insurance. We at Xpanda Security believe that significant ram raid protection such as bollards and ram-beams are your first place to stop you becoming a victim.  Read more below and use the link for the article and video.

are your first place to stop you becoming a victim.  Read more below and use the link for the article and video.

A dairy owner says it could take six months for his business to recover after thieves’ ram raided and looted his store in minutes.

The Bryant Park Mini Supermarket, on Sandwich Rd in St Andrews, was ram raided about 4 am on Monday January 18…

Christel Yardley/Stuff

Christel Yardley/Stuff

Vyas said local shop owners were in fear after recent raids– he knew at least three dairies where thefts had occurred in the past week

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Xpanda Security – NZ

Xpanda Security have been installing security products for over 22 years in New Zealand and are very well respected and remain the go to leader in physical security products and the installation of them.


Xpanda have supplied and installed thousands of Steel Barriers and their expertise is assured with the experience they have gathered over the years.


Xpanda Security have been protecting Kiwi businesses for over 22 years with high quality steel security.  Their reputation is somewhat perfect and their Google Reviews  online represent this and give a clear unanimous Scream from their past clients “Yes! Great job guys”.


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