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Xpanda Security have been supplying and installing Auckland and the rest of New Zealand since 1997 with quality high-security-doors.  This is a long time and they have seen it all in regards to break-ins and ram-raids. Every week they see multiple business owners distraught by the amount of destruction thieves can cause so they can get their hands on your stock and cash, in fact anything they can steel.

So what do Security Expanding Grilles offer to your business.

  1. They offer, which might be the most important detail, this is a High Visible Protection. Potential thieves will usually find an easier target when they see expanding security doors installed.
  2. They will slow up and stop potential thieves from entering your premises, and/or give police the time to get to your business location.
  3. They are recommended by Insurance Companies, so may help with your insurance cost.
  4. Financially for your business they are a  winner, it only takes one break in or ram-raid to close your business even for a day, this might be the sole cost of installing the added Security Doors.

We would say yes to “are Security Doors required in Auckland” in fact we might add, security doors are required in all of New Zealand where there is crime.

Get a Free Security Assessment and discuss your security requirements.