

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) based on the years of experience, and taking note of customers concerns:

Types of Security Products

Security Barriers

Security Grilles

Security Doors

Security Bollards

Security in General

Commercial Security

Types of Security Approach

Security Cameras & Deterrence

Xpanda Services

Doing Business with Xpanda:

At the bottom of this page, you will find more information on how we can help you and how we work.

Types of Security Products available:

What security products does Xpanda offer?

Security doors
Security grilles
Expanding barriers
Bollards and Ram beams
Window bars
Roller shutters
And more, please see our products page.

Pedestrian Barriers

Why should I invest in pedestrian barriers?

Most importantly, Worksafe requires that many types of business have some form of safety barrier. Pedestrian barriers can improve safety by preventing accidents. They show customers where they should not go. They are not a security device but will stop erroneous wandering.

Source: The importance of investing in pedestrian barriers

Window Security

Do security bars keep intruders out?

Xpanda doesn’t guarantee they will stop a determined intruder, but unless they come with the right equipment and plenty of time then window bars will stop them.

Source: Security bars keep intruders out and keep you safe

Can I put window bars on the outside?

Xpanda doesn’t recommend window bars on the outside because they can be easily tampered with or pulled away by thieves using a rope or chain.

Source: Why xpanda doesnt recommend putting window bars outside

What if I don’t like the look of window bars?

Fair enough too. Xpanda pays a lot of attention to the final appearance and feel of window bars, but if you still want something less visual, consider an expanding grille instead, or our ‘Invisi-Guard’ clear polycarbonate system.

Security Grilles

Which industries can benefit from security grilles?

Most industries can benefit from security grilles, but some that are mentioned specifically include: Retail stores, Jewellery stores, Convenience stores, Liquor stores, Pharmacies

Source: How these industries can benefit from security grilles

What are the Benefits of expanding security grilles?

Expanding security grilles are a cost-effective way to secure a large opening. Generally cheaper (and stronger) than roller grilles, they are easy to use and can be collapsed when not in use for maximum visibility.

Source: Expanding security grilles for smart and cost effective security

Do security grilles hinder sales?

Xpanda says security grilles do not hinder sales. Xpanda says security grilles can be designed to be aesthetically pleasing. As a rule, we have never heard of any loss in customers because the store had grilles.

Source: Do Security Grilles Hinder Sales?

Security Doors

What are the benefits of security doors beyond just preventing break-ins?

Security doors offer a variety of benefits besides just stopping break-ins.

They can Improve fire safety, Reduce noise transmission, Improve weatherproofing,

Source: Beyond Break-Ins: Debunking Concerns About Security Doors

How can I increase security on an existing door?

Installing a security gate in front of it.
Upgrading the lock on your existing door.
Reinforcing the doorframe.
Reinforcing the door leaf with a ‘door skin’.
Installing a deadbolt lock.

Source: How to increase door security.

Security Bollards

What are removable bollards?

Removable bollards are a type of bollard that can be removed from a socket embedded in the ground when access is needed, such as for deliveries or special events. They are extremely effective at deterring ram raids when in place. Usually you will find them in warehouse doorways and often in larger retail stores with big doors.

Source: Removable Bollards: Find Out Their Uses And Costs

Are security bollards the best way to stop ram raids?

Definitely, security bollards are the most effective way to stop ram raids. They are difficult for vehicles to break through and can prevent them from entering a building.

Source: Security Bollards are the Best Way to Stop this kind of Ram-Raid

How can I protect my business from ram raids?

Xpanda offers Bolt down bollards, fixed bollards, removable bollards, security doors, and other products to help like Slotted ram beams

Security in General

What are the 5 Most Common Break-In Methods?

The blog post discusses different methods thieves may use to break into a property, Some methods mentioned include: Forcing entry through doors or windows, Targeting weak points in a building’s security, Smash-and-grab techniques, Picking locks

Source: Top 5 most common break in methods

Commercial Security

What is commercial security?

Commercial security refers to the measure’s businesses take to protect their assets, inventory, staff, and customers. This can include physical security measures like security doors and cameras, as well as security protocols and processes.

Commercial security usually is a lot stronger than domestic security although recently we are seeing quite severe security measures being implemented domestically.

Source: What is commercial security?

How to make your commercial premises more secure?

There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer, but we recommend conducting a security risk assessment to identify the weaknesses in your current security and develop a plan to address them. Xpanda Security offers free onsite security consultations (within Auckland Metro)

Source: How to make your Commercial Premises more Secure

Types of Security Approach

What is the difference between Preventative and Reactive Security?

Preventative security stops crimes from happening in the first place, while reactive security helps you respond to a crime after it occurs.

Examples of preventative security measures include installing security cameras and alarms, while reactive security measures include having a plan in place for what to do in case of a robbery.

This blog post discusses the difference between preventative and reactive security measures for shops.

Source: Preventative Security vs Reactive security for shops?

Security Cameras & Deterrence

Do security cameras reduce crime?

Security cameras may help to deter crime and can only be used to identify criminals after a crime has been committed. However, they are not a fool proof security measure on their own because burglars don’t care.

Source: Do security cameras reduce crime?

Why focus on improving external security?

You ultimately want to deter criminals before they even get inside your property. This can involve measures like improving lighting, installing security fences, and securing windows and doors.

Source: Why you should focus on Improving External Security

Why are protective security measures still important?

With decent perimeter security measures, even if a criminal attempts to break in, security measures can slow them down and make them more likely to give up.

Source: Why protective security measures are still the way to go

Other questions

Does Xpanda offer DIY options?

Yes actually. All of Xpanda products can be sold as ‘Supply only’ and we also have an online store where you can purchase our ‘order ready’ products (not customised)

What is the lead time for Xpanda security gates before installation?

The lead-time changes depending on the product, but generally we are about 2-3 weeks from final measure to install. This is because we not only have to manufacture the product but we have to wait for external processes like galvanising and powder coating. Our quotes may have different lead times based on seasonal demand.

Does Xpanda offer free quotes?

Yes, Xpanda offers free assessments and quotes within the Auckland metro area, and we can send estimates elsewhere based on email conversations and photographs etc.

Does Xpanda only operate within Auckland?

NO, Xpanda covers the whole of NZ. Depending on where you are it may be us that you deal with, or we can pass your inquiry on to one of our expert partners around New Zealand.

What materials are Xpanda security products made of?

Xpanda security products are made of high grade steel and only our pedestrian barriers are made of Aluminium.

Does Xpanda offer security products for homes?

Yes, Xpanda offers security products for both homes and businesses (See below regarding DIY also)

Xpanda offers the same product range for residential customers also, however usually we will send an estimate by email instead of a visit, based on email conversations and photographs etc.

What is the difference between your DIY division and Premium custom product?

(DIY product found on www.diyxpanda.co.nz)

Xpanda offers DIY products for those who want to save money and don’t mind a challenge, and custom security solutions for those who need a stronger more complete security solution.


The process is easy:

  1. Make an inqury with us.
  2. We’ll make an appoinment with you for a site assessment.
  3. We’ll send you a quote.
  4. When the quote is acccepted we’ll send a job confirmation form.
  5. Once we have any required deposit we will come back and get final measurements.
  6. We’ll make your security products.
  7. We’ll book in the installation when ready.
  8. We will install with minimal disturbance to business.
  9. We hand over any keys and train you on locking up.

What you will get from Xpanda:

Xpanda Security goes beyond pre-made sizes with custom security solutions offering expert design consultation. We don’t just sell products.

(but we have options via  www.diyxpanda.co.nz)

Expert Information:

Our security specialists will assess your property and discuss your needs to design a custom security solution.

Precision Manufacturing:

All Xpanda Security products are custom-made to ensure a perfect fit for your doorways, windows, or any other area you want to secure.

Professional Installation:

Our qualified technicians will handle the installation process, ensuring everything is fitted correctly and securely.


This is a Comparison chart between our divisions DIY Xpanda and Xpanda Security.

Xpanda Security goes beyond pre-made sizes with custom security solutions:

Expert Design Consultation:
We don’t just sell products, our security specialists will assess your property and discuss your needs to design a custom security solution.

Precision Manufacturing:
All Xpanda Security products are custom-made to ensure a perfect fit for your doorways, windows, or any other area you want to secure.

Professional Installation:
Our qualified technicians will handle the installation process, ensuring everything is fitted correctly and securely.

FeatureDIY XpandaXpanda Security
Core ReasoningUrgent or Budget NeedsStronger Security, Done-For-You
Online Consultation 
On-Site Assessment 
Delivery / Pick Up  
Custom Design 
Custom Made 
Bulk Supply  
Professional Installation 
Product RangeLimited (Pre-made range)Bespoke (on proven designs)
Warranty(Check Product)Extended if Installed by Xpanda
Lead TimeReady to Ship10-20 business days
Financing OptionsPrepaid onlyBusiness finance option
MaintenanceDIY MaintenanceOngoing maintenance possible
Customer ServicePhone or EmailDedicated project and account manager